Joining Data

Brianna Heggeseth


This week in MSCS

  • Preceptor Training (if you are preceptor for another class!)
  • Wednesday 3:30pm: Math Problem Solving!
  • Thursday 11:15am: Coffee Break! Student Advisor Board Introductions!

Due this Week

  • Assignment 6 (Six Main Verbs) + 7 (Reshaping) on Tuesday [via Moodle]

If you haven’t turned in the following, do so soon:

  • Tidy Tuesday 4
  • Iterative Viz 0 (no extra work, submit 1 completed TT html file)
  • Reflection on Learning (in individual document shared with you)

If your spreadsheet says “No submission for assignment”,

  • submit your assignment to Moodle
  • email Brianna indicating that you’ve submitted
  • Brianna will be going through past assignments Tuesday

Learning Goals

  • Understand the concept of keys and variables that uniquely identify rows or cases
  • Understand the different types of joins, different ways of combining two data frames together
  • Develop comfort in using mutating joins: left_join, inner_join and full_join in the dplyr package
  • Develop comfort in using filtering joins: semi_join, anti_join in the dplyr package

Template File

Download a template .Rmd of this activity. Put the file in a Day_09 folder within your COMP_STAT_112 folder.

  • This .Rmd only contains examples that we’ll work on in class and 6 exercises you’ll finish for Assignment 8.



A join is a verb that means to combine two data tables.

  • These tables are often called the left and the right tables.

Left and Right Tables with intersecting light grey lines indicating potential matches and colored points indicating a match.

Kinds of Joins

  • All joins involve establishing a correspondence — a match — between each case in the left table and zero or more cases in the right table.

  • The various joins differ in how they handle multiple matches or missing matches.

Left table has duplicate keys.

Both tables have duplicate keys.


Definition of Match

A match between a case in the left data table and a case in the right data table is made based on the values in keys, variables that uniquely define observations in a data table.

Two Types of Keys

  1. A primary key uniquely identifies an observation in its own table.

  2. A foreign key uniquely identifies an observation in another table.

Match in Practice

In order to establish a match between two data tables,

  • You specify which variables (or keys) to use.
  • Each variable is specify as a pair, where one variable from the left table corresponds to one variable from the right table.
  • Cases must have exactly equal values in the left variable and right variable for a match to be made.

Example - Student Grades and Courses

Student grades.
sid sessionID grade
S31842 session2207 B+
S32436 session3172 S
S31671 session3435 A-
S31929 session3512 NC
Information about each course section.
sessionID dept level sem enroll iid
session2780 O 300 SP2003 21 inst298
session3520 k 300 FA2004 16 inst463
session1965 d 100 FA2001 25 inst414
session3257 o 200 SP2004 16 inst312

Example - Student Grades and Courses

What variables are the primary keys (uniquely identifies a case) for Grades?

sid (student ID) and sessionID (class ID) are the primary keys for Grades as they unique identify each case.

What variables are the primary keys (uniquely identifies a case) for Courses?

sessionID (class ID) and dept are the primary keys for Courses as they unique identify each case. You may have thought that sessionID alone was sufficient; however, if a course is cross-listed, then it may have multiple departments listed.

Example - Student Grades and Courses

What variables are the foreign keys in Grades for Courses?

sessionID (class ID) is part of a foreign key in Grades for Courses. If we group_by and summarize first to deal with cross-listed courses, then sessionID is the foreign key in Grades for Courses.

What variables are the foreign keys in Courses for Grades?

sessionID in Courses is only part of a foreign key that uniquely identify rows in Grades.

Mutating Joins

A mutating join allows you to combine variables from two tables. It first matches observations by their keys, then copies across variables from one table to the other.

  • left_join(): the output has all cases from the left, regardless if there is a match in the right, but discards any cases in the right that do not have a match in the left.

  • inner_join(): the output has only the cases from the left with a match in the right.

  • full_join(): the output has all cases from the left and the right. This is less common than the first two join operators.

Example - Student Grades and Courses

Determine the average class size from the viewpoint of the Provost / Admissions Office

  • How would you approach this?
CourseSizes <- Courses %>%
  group_by(sessionID) %>% # needed for cross-listed courses
  summarise(total_enroll = sum(enroll))

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  sessionID   total_enroll
  <chr>              <dbl>
1 session1784           22
2 session1785           52
3 session1791           22
4 session1792           20
5 session1794           22
6 session1795           26
[1] 21.45251

Example - Student Grades and Courses

Determine the average class size from the viewpoint of a student (average class size for each student experiences across their courses)

  • How would you approach this?
EnrollmentsWithClassSize <- Grades %>%
    by = c("sessionID" = "sessionID")
  ) %>%
  select(sid, sessionID, total_enroll)

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  sid    sessionID   total_enroll
  <chr>  <chr>              <dbl>
1 S31185 session1784           22
2 S31185 session1785           52
3 S31185 session1791           22
4 S31185 session1792           20
5 S31185 session1794           22
6 S31185 session1795           26
AveClassEachStudent <- EnrollmentsWithClassSize %>%
  group_by(sid) %>%
  summarise(ave_enroll = mean(total_enroll, na.rm = TRUE))

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  sid    ave_enroll
  <chr>       <dbl>
1 S31185       29  
2 S31188       27.6
3 S31191       29.1
4 S31194       19.5
5 S31197       26.3
6 S31200       26.5
[1] 24.41885

Filtering Joins

Filtering joins affect the observations, not the variables.

  • semi_join(): discards any cases in the left table that do not have a match in the right table. If there are multiple matches of right cases to a left case, it keeps just one copy of the left case.

  • anti_join(): discards any cases in the left table that have a match in the right table.

Example - Student Grades and Courses

Find a subset of the Grades data that only contains data on the four largest sections in the Courses data set.

LargeSections <- Courses %>%
  group_by(sessionID) %>%
  summarise(total_enroll = sum(enroll)) %>%
  arrange(desc(total_enroll)) %>% head(4)

# A tibble: 4 × 2
  sessionID   total_enroll
  <chr>              <dbl>
1 session2956          120
2 session2171          105
3 session2465           93
4 session2170           85
GradesFromLargeSections <- Grades %>%

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  sid    sessionID   grade
  <chr>  <chr>       <chr>
1 S31188 session2956 S    
2 S31344 session2465 S    
3 S31365 session2956 S    
4 S31389 session2170 A-   
5 S31389 session2465 S    
6 S31482 session2170 B+   

Example - Student Grades and Courses

Use semi_join() to create a table with a subset of the rows of Grades corresponding to all classes taken in department J.

JCourses <- Courses %>%
  filter(dept == "J")

JGrades <- Grades %>%

After Class

Work on the 6 exercises to turn in for Assignment 8.

These exercises help you deepen your understanding of

  • Data Wrangling (6 Main Verbs)
  • Data Visualization (including Spatial Viz)