
Brianna Heggeseth


MSCS Happenings

Outside MSCS



  • Preceptor feedback for 11 and 13
  • Brianna feedback coming for 14

Tidy Tuesday

Iterative Viz

  • IV2: Cancelled (focus on project work)


  • Write a November Reflection in shared Google Doc [Comp/Stat 112 Reflections] if you missed class last Monday


  • Storyboarding in project groups


What is a Storyboard?

Open the template file.


  1. Make one copy of this document for your project group (all members + Brianna should get editing access)

  2. Each persons should

  • copy the template slide [3rd slide] and insert a screenshot of a visual/table for the project
  • for each visual/table, add important message (top) and why it matters (bottom)

Important Message: a 1 sentence summary of what is the most insightful finding of the visual

Why it matters: few sentence description of why the audience should care and what they might do with that insight

  1. Discuss the order of the slides to tell the broader narrative

Use this activity to work through ideas for how to tell the data story (in written and oral formats)

After Class

  • Make progress on your individual tasks
  • We’ll have project work time on Weds and Friday in class
  • Show up (if not sick) and use this time wisely