Getting Settled
In small groups, introduce yourself.
Then discuss past collaborations and group activities and whether or not you’ve taken on the following roles:
- Facilitator: Make sure the group makes progress on the task
- Reflector: Make sure that everyone in the group contributes; encourage participation from everyone
- Resource Manager: Make sure the group seeks out the resources it needs to complete the task
- Communicator Manager: Take responsibility to facilitate communication with each other and to the larger class/instructor
When you work in groups, do you tend to take on some of these responsibilities? If you don’t, who does? Reflect.
Due this Week
- Assignment 5 (Six Main Verbs) Last Night [via Moodle]
- Assignment 6 (Reshaping, Joining) next Weds [via Moodle]
- TT5 tomorrow night [via Moodle]
- IV0 tomorrow night [via Moodle]
- No extra work needed beyond what you did for one of the TT1-TT5!
Iterative Viz
Iterative Viz Instructions
- Complete TidyTuesday 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5!
- Submit one of those graphics (no changes) to IV0 assignment by Oct 13.
- Revise/update your graphic based on feedback and submit for IV1 by Nov 10.
- Revise/update your graphic based on feedback and submit for IV2 by Dec 8.
Creativity is highly encouraged and increased complexity (that increases the effectiveness of the visual) is expected for IV1 and IV2.
Joins Exercises
Open your Rmd file from Tuesday and scroll down to Bicycle Use Patterns.
Run the following code:
data_site <-
Trips <- readRDS(gzcon(url(data_site)))
Stations <- read_csv("")
Then scroll down to Mutating join practice: Spatial patterns.
Go to and download into the Assignment_06
Joins Exercises
Work in small groups on this exercise (Visualization of bicycle departures by station),
- talk through the steps you’d need to complete the exercise (without coding!)
- for each step, figure out what “verb” you’d use
- then trying coding it
If you finish before I bring us back together, do the same process for the next exercise as a group.
In Small Groups
- Each of you brainstorm some ideas
- “Play” in your individual Rmd files.
- After 5 minutes, come together to share your research questions and visualization plans.
After Class
- Assignment 6 for next Weds (on Moodle)
- Reshaping AND Joins exercises
- TT5 for tomorrow (on Moodle)
- Submit one of your TT1-TT5 for IV0 (on Moodle)