Community Building Scavenger Hunt
As we gather, sit with 3 people you didn’t know as of Sept 1, 2023.
- Introduce yourself (e.g., names, pronouns, major/interests, something unexpected) to others at your table.
Come up with a team name.
Make sure that at least one of you has a device (e.g. phone, tablet) with a camera.
- Download Slack onto that phone (available on Google Play and App Store) and log into our Slack workspace ( using your Macalester email.
Today’s Activity
For the first half of class, you’ll be out and about on campus.
- Introduce your team on Slack in the #section-01 channel by creating a post. Include your team name, mention student names (@name), and a group photo (if everyone consents).
- Once you’ve completed this, you will be replying to that Intro to Team post on Slack when you complete missions with:
- The mission number (e.g., M1)
- A photo showing that you completed the mission
- Brief description of what is in the photo (think: alternative text)
- Any additional info required by the mission description
Be back by 3:40pm!
What new things did you learn about campus?
What did you learn about Slack?
What is confusing about Slack?
R & RMarkdown Q&A
In groups, discuss:
- As you’ve worked on Assignment 1, what barriers are you encountering?
- What cool things have you discovered about R or RMarkdown?
One person in each group should be prepared to share with the larger group.
After Class
Finish working through the Day 1 activity:
- Try each line of code (copy and paste) in the console and then check solutions on activity online
- Complete the Practice section at the end and turn that html file in on Moodle (Assignment 1) by next Wednesday evening