name | sex | total |
Courtney | F | 257289 |
Courtney | M | 22619 |
Riley | F | 100881 |
Riley | M | 92789 |
Sarah | F | 1073895 |
Sarah | M | 3320 |
Upcoming in MSCS
and pivot_longer
in the tidyr
packageDownload a template .Rmd of this activity. Put the file in a Assignment_05
folder within your COMP_STAT_112
Everyone: Look at this small data set.
Partner A: Describe the structure of the data set in words.
name | sex | total |
Courtney | F | 257289 |
Courtney | M | 22619 |
Riley | F | 100881 |
Riley | M | 92789 |
Sarah | F | 1073895 |
Sarah | M | 3320 |
Partner A: Close your eyes.
Partner B: Describe the how the structure of the data set changed. Think of describing “steps” taken.
Partner A: Sketch what you think the new data set looks like.
name | F | M |
Courtney | 257289 | 22619 |
Riley | 100881 | 92789 |
Sarah | 1073895 | 3320 |
Partner B: Close your eyes.
Partner A: Describe the how the structure of the data set changed. Think of describing “steps” taken.
Partner B: Sketch what you think the new data set looks like.
name | F | M | ratio |
Courtney | 257289 | 22619 | 0.0879128 |
Riley | 100881 | 92789 | 0.9197867 |
Sarah | 1073895 | 3320 | 0.0030915 |
and then …
name | ratio | sex | total |
Courtney | 0.0879128 | F | 257289 |
Courtney | 0.0879128 | M | 22619 |
Riley | 0.9197867 | F | 100881 |
Riley | 0.9197867 | M | 92789 |
Sarah | 0.0030915 | F | 1073895 |
Sarah | 0.0030915 | M | 3320 |
If we want to retain all of the values in the data set (no summaries or combinations) but have a different unit of observation (or case), we can:
Go through the example code in the Rmd file to make sure you understand how we reshape data to be wider and longer.