Upcoming in MSCS
- MSCS Capstone Talks (Thurs and Friday)
- Check out the schedule
- Pick 2 of the talks to attend in place of class on Thursday
Upcoming in Class
- Midterm Review next Tuesday (see study guide on Slack in section_03)
- Midterm Assessment next Thursday in class
Past Assignments
- Weekly Assignments
- Check to see if your spreadsheet says “No Submission - Please Submit and Email Brianna (to pass the course, 8 out of 10 assignments must be turned in with some effort)”
- Tidy Tuesday (TT1 - TT5)
- If you haven’t already, turn TT5 in ASAP
- Iterative Viz
- Check to see if your spreadsheet says “PLEASE TURN IN TO MOODLE”
- If so, choose one of your TT1 - TT5 that you’ve completed and submit that html to IV0 in Moodle.
- No additional work, but helps Brianna have all files in the same location.
- You’ll get qualitative feedback (explicit ideas and suggestions on how to make it more effective)
- Monthly Reflection
- You were emailed last Friday with a link to an individual Google Doc
- Take 10 minutes to write a brief reflection on your learning (only shared between you and Brianna)
- Mini Project in groups of 2-3 people
Consider group roles:
- Facilitator
- Communication Manager
- Resource Manager
Consider assigning each person a group of exercises to take leadership on.
- Note that the exercises build on each other, but you can brainstorm ideas and draft code.
- Each of you create your own Rmd file
- Consider creating a DM group in Slack to share code with each other.
- If your group is stuck, ask a question in #section_03 in Slack (a student in another group could answer you…)
After class
No Class on Thursday
- In place of class on Thursday, attend 2 MSCS Capstone Talks and write brief overviews of the talks in #section_03 of Slack.
- Turning in the Mini Project to Moodle will be optional [Solutions will be posted over the weekend]
- Completing the Mini Project will be a useful exercise for midterm review