Feedback Spreadsheet
- Please check your spreadsheet for all of your feedback.
- If there is “No submission” listed for an assignment or 0 for TidyTuesday but you’ve turned it in, please email the list of assignments that need feedback.
Reminder: Next Monday is the last day to change grade to Pass/Fail and to submit a request for Incomplete.
Presentations - Saturday May 6
Arrive 5 minutes early!
On Monday, I’ll share a presentation order and give you detailed instructions on how to share your slides/visuals that you’d like to project.
Presentations - Timing
Groups with 2 people
- Presentation should be 6-8 minutes
Groups with 3-4 people
- Presentation should be 10-12 minutes
I will cut presentations off at 10/14 minutes (hard cut offs) to ensure every group goes without being rushed.
Presentations - Expectations
- Introduce the data context and question
- Give sufficient background about the data to understand the insight
- Tell a story about the data with visuals
- Highlight the important message and why it matters…
Presentations - Questions
What questions do you have?
Written Report
Due May 6th at 5pm to Moodle.
Written Report - Expectations
- Introduce the data context and question
- Give sufficient background about the data to understand the insight
- Tell a story about the data with visuals
- Highlight the important message and why it matters
In terms of length, you’ll probably end up with around 3 pages of text in order to sufficiently address the above.
Written Report - Questions
What questions do you have?
Today in Class
- Project Progress Reports/Work (20 mins)
- Self-Assessment (20 mins)
- End of Course Survey (20 mins)
1st Group (Project, Self-Assess, End of Course):
- Nicole, Siri, Neshua, Chiara
- Talia, Sam, Hanna
- Adrian, Ben, Julian
2nd Group (Self-Assess, Project, End of Course):
- Jeremy, Zane
- Jerry, Nanami
- Bess, Lillie, Caleb, Grace
3rd Group (Self-Assess, End of Course, Project):
- Isaiah, Qin, Ben, Shosuke
- Dipakshi, Olivia, Luna, Leyla
Progress Reports
While waiting for Brianna, work on project work.
When Brianna comes to your group, be prepared to:
- remind her of the data that you are working with
- summarize the story that you are telling about the data (with visuals available)
- describe what your group plans to complete in the next week
Open the Learning Goals from our course website.
Open your individual feedback spreadsheet [Comp/Stat 112 Feedback].
- Open the Final Self-Assessment tab.
Take 20 minutes to complete this.
- Look through the feedback throughout the semester
- Go back to your reflections document and see your growth
- Grade yourself and reflect (be vulnerable) why you gave yourself that grade
End of Course Survey
Open Moodle course site > Surveys > End of Course Survey
Take 20 minutes to complete this.
Thanks and Pride