MSCS Happenings
Brainstorming Rounds
We’ll do the following 4 times (5 minutes each time)
- Switch to a new table
- Introduce yourself
- Share final data project ideas and interests with a partner
- Share advanced data science tools you might want to learn through a project (Shiny, interactive viz, API, SQL, etc.)
Consider this as an opportunity to get to know others in the class who might be great project teammates!
Project Ideas Activity
Submit 1 idea for a data science project by this evening (link is on Moodle).
- Based on insight that you gained from brainstorming
Work Time
If you haven’t already, submit
- Midterm Part 2 Revisions (on Moodle)
- Midterm Reflection (in Reflection document)
Project Ideas due Wednesday (on Moodle)
Assignment 8 due Wednesday (on Moodle)
- Data Import Activity
- Flights EDA Activity
Iterative Viz 1 due Friday
- Check out feedback from IV0 (Feedback Spreadsheet)