Brianna Heggeseth

As we gather

  • Sit with your assigned group.
    • Re-introduce yourselves!
    • Discuss: What is one of your biggest fears?
  • Open today’s Rmd.


  • Thursday at 11:15am - MSCS Coffee Break
    • Smail Gallery

Where are we?


  • world = supervised learning
    We want to model some output variable \(y\) using a set of potential predictors \((x_1, x_2, ..., x_p)\).

  • task = regression
    \(y\) is quantitative

  • (nonparametric) algorithm

Our usual parametric models (eg: linear regression) are too rigid to represent the relationship between \(y\) and our predictors \(x\). Thus we need more flexible nonparametric models.

KNN Recap

EXAMPLE 1: KNN (Review)

In the previous activity, we modeled college Grad.Rate versus Expend, Enroll, and Private using data on 775 schools.

  1. We chose the KNN with K = 33 because it minimized the CV MAE, i.e. the errors when predicting grad rate for schools outside our sample. We don’t typically worry about a more parsimonious KNN, i.e. a model that has slightly higher prediction errors but is easier to interpret, apply, etc. Why?
  • The output of the model is: one prediction for a one observational unit. There is nothing to interpret (no plots, no coefficients, etc).
  • There is no way to tune the model to use fewer predictors.
  1. What assumptions did the KNN model make about the relationship of Grad.Rate with Expend, Enroll, and Private? Is this a pro or con?
  • The only assumption we made was that the outcome values of \(y\) should be similar if the predictor values of \(x\) are similar. No other assumptions are made.
  • This is a pro if we want flexibility due to non-linear relationships and that assumption is true; This is a con if relationships are actually linear or could be modeled with a parametric model.
  1. What did the KNN model tell us about the relationship of Grad.Rate with Expend, Enroll, and Private? For example, did it give you a sense of whether grad rates are higher at private or public institutions? At institutions with higher or lower enrollments? Is this a pro or con?
  • Nothing
  • Nothing to interpret, so the model is more of a black box in terms of knowing why it gives you a particular prediction. I’d say this is a con.

Small Group Discussion: Parametric v. Nonparametric

EXAMPLE 2: nonparametric KNN vs parametric least squares and LASSO

  • When should we use a nonparametric algorithm like KNN?
  • When shouldn’t we?
  • Use nonparametric methods when parametric model assumptions are too rigid. Forcing a parametric method in this situation can produce misleading conclusions.
  • Use parametric methods when the model assumptions hold. In such cases, parametric models provide more contextual insight (eg: meaningful coefficients) and the ability to detect which predictors are beneficial to the model.

Notes: LOESS

Local Regression or Locally Estimated Scatterplot Smoothing (LOESS)

Build a flexible regression model of \(y\) by one quantitative predictor \(x\),

\[y = f(x) + \varepsilon\]


Fit regression models in small localized regions, where nearby data have greater influence than far data.


Define the span, aka bandwidth, tuning parameter \(h\) where \(0 \le h \le 1\). Take the following steps to estimate \(f(x)\) at each possible predictor value \(x\):

  1. Identify a neighborhood consisting of the \(100∗h\)% of cases that are closest to \(x\).
  2. Putting more weight on the neighbors closest to \(x\) (ie. allowing them to have more influence), fit a linear model in this neighborhood.
  3. Use the local linear model to estimate f(x).

In pictures:

Small Group Discussion: Recap Video


We can plot LOESS models using geom_smooth(). Play around with the span parameter below.

  • What happens as we increase the span from roughly 0 to roughly 1?
  • What is one “pro” of this nonparametric algorithm, relative to KNN?
  • What questions do you have about this algorithm?

Note: You’ll find that you can specify span greater than 1. Use your resources to figure out what that means in terms of the algorithm.

Small Group Discussion: Recap Video

EXAMPLE 4: LOESS & the Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Open the Rmd. Go to Example 4.

Run the shiny app code and explore the impact of the span tuning parameter h on the LOESS performance across different datasets. Continue to click the Go! button to get different datasets.

For what values of h do you get the following:

  1. high bias but low variance
  2. low bias but high variance
  3. moderate bias and low variance
  1. h near 1
  2. h near 0
  3. h somewhere in the middle

Notes: GAM

Generalized Additive Models (GAM)

GAMs are nonparametric nonlinear models that can handle more than one predictor. They incorporate each predictor \(x_i\) through some nonparametric, smooth function \(f_i()\):

\[y = \beta_0 + f_1(x_1) + f_2(x_2) + \cdots + f_p(x_p) + \varepsilon\]

Big ideas

  • Each \(f_j(x_j)\) is a smooth model of \(y\) vs \(x_j\) when controlling for the other predictors. More specifically:
    • Each \(f_j(x_j)\) models the behavior in \(y\) that’s not explained by the other predictors.
    • This “unexplained behavior” is represented by the residuals from the model of \(y\) versus all predictors.
  • The \(f_j()\) functions are estimated using some smoothing algorithm (e.g. LOESS, smoothing splines, etc).


In tidymodels():

  • The GAM f(x) components are estimated using smoothing splines, a nonparametric smoothing technique that’s more nuanced than LOESS.

  • Smoothing splines depend upon a \(\lambda\) penalty tuning parameter (labeled adjust_deg_free in tidymodels). As in the LASSO:

    • the bigger the \(\lambda\), the more simple / less wiggly the estimate of f(x)
    • if \(\lambda\) is big enough, we might even kick a predictor out of the model

Small Group Discussion


Interpret the wage analysis in Chapter 7 of ISLR.

wage = \(\beta_0\) + f(year) + f(age) + f(education) + \(\varepsilon\)

Small Group Activity

Work as a group on exercises 1 - 7.

Consider W.A.I.T. Why Am/Aren’t I Talking?

  • Actively work to give everyone a chance to contribute and share.

After Class


  • Finish the activity, check the solutions, watch the R Tutorial video, and reach out with questions.
  • Continue to check in on Slack.
    • If you search for me, you’ll find all of the info I’ve posted in our workspace.

Group Assignment

  • If you haven’t already, open the Group Assignment 1 in Moodle.
  • Next Tuesday You will get and have time to work on the group assignment. If you must miss class, you’re expected to alert your group members and come up with a plan to contribute to the collaboration outside class.

Upcoming due dates

  • Friday: HW 2 Revisions
  • Next Thursday: HW 4 (posted on Moodle)
  • Tuesday Feb 27: Concept Quiz 1 on Units 1–3 (up to and including today)