Classification via Logistic Regression

Brianna Heggeseth

As we gather


  • (Today) Thursday at 11:15am - MSCS Coffee Break
    • Smail Gallery
  • Share your thoughts about 1st floor OLRI hallway (e.g. furniture, whiteboards, etc)
  • MSCS Logo contest!
    • Due Feb 26 - see Slack for details

Where are we?


  • world = supervised learning
    We want to model some output variable \(y\) using a set of potential predictors \((x_1, x_2, ..., x_p)\).

    \(y\) is categorical and binary

  • (parametric) algorithm
    logistic regression

Notes: Logistic Regresison Review

Let \(y\) be a binary categorical response variable:
\[y = \begin{cases} 1 & \; \text{ if event happens} \\ 0 & \; \text{ if event doesn't happen} \\ \end{cases}\]

Further define \[\begin{split} p &= \text{ probability event happens} \\ 1-p &= \text{ probability event doesn't happen} \\ \text{odds} & = \text{ odds event happens} = \frac{p}{1-p} \\ \end{split}\]

Then a logistic regression model of \(y\) by \(x\) is \[\begin{split} \log(\text{odds}) & = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x \\ \text{odds} & = e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x} \\ p & = \frac{\text{odds}}{\text{odds}+1} = \frac{e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x}}{e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x}+1} \\ \end{split}\]

Coefficient interpretation
\[\begin{split} \beta_0 & = \text{ LOG(ODDS) when } x=0 \\ e^{\beta_0} & = \text{ ODDS when } x=0 \\ \beta_1 & = \text{ unit change in LOG(ODDS) per 1 unit increase in } x \\ e^{\beta_1} & = \text{ multiplicative change in ODDS per 1 unit increase in } x \\ \end{split}\]

Example 1

Let’s model RainTomorrow, whether or not it rains tomorrow in Sydney, by two predictors:

  • Humidity9am (% humidity at 9am today)
  • Sunshine (number of hours of bright sunshine today)

Check out & comment on the relationship of rain with these 2 predictors:

Example 2

The logistic regression model is:

  • log(odds of rain) = -1.01 + 0.0260 Humidity9am - 0.313 Sunshine
  • odds of rain = exp(-1.01 + 0.0260 Humidity9am - 0.313 Sunshine)
  • probability of rain = odds / (odds + 1)

Let’s interpret the Sunshine coefficient of -0.313:

# Transformed
[1] 0.7312499
  1. When controlling for humidity, and for every extra hour of sunshine, the LOG(ODDS) of rain…
    • decrease by 0.313
    • are roughly 31% as big (i.e. decrease by 69%)
    • are roughly 73% as big (i.e. decrease by 27%)
    • increase by 0.731
  2. When controlling for humidity, and for every extra hour of sunshine, the ODDS of rain…
    • decrease by 0.313
    • are roughly 31% as big (i.e. decrease by 69%)
    • are roughly 73% as big (i.e. decrease by 27%)
    • increase by 0.731

Example 2

The logistic regression model is:

  • log(odds of rain) = -1.01 + 0.0260 Humidity9am - 0.313 Sunshine
  • odds of rain = exp(-1.01 + 0.0260 Humidity9am - 0.313 Sunshine)
  • probability of rain = odds / (odds + 1)

Let’s interpret the Sunshine coefficient of -0.313:

  1. When controlling for humidity, and for every extra hour of sunshine, the LOG(ODDS) of rain…
    • decrease by 0.313
  2. When controlling for humidity, and for every extra hour of sunshine, the ODDS of rain…
    • are roughly 73% as big (i.e. decrease by 27%)

Example 3

log(odds of rain) = -1.01 + 0.0260 Humidity9am - 0.313 Sunshine

Suppose there’s 99% humidity at 9am today and only 2 hours of bright sunshine.

  1. What’s the probability of rain?
# log(odds of rain)
log_odds <- -1.01 + 0.0260 * 99 - 0.313 * 2
[1] 0.938
# odds of rain
odds <- exp(log_odds)
[1] 2.554867
# probability of rain
[1] 0.7186955
  1. What’s your binary classification: do you predict that it will rain or not rain?

Example 4

We used a simple classification rule above with a probability threshold of c = 0.5:

  • If the probability of rain >= c, then predict rain.
  • Otherwise, predict no rain.

Let’s translate this into a classification rule that partitions the data points into rain / no rain predictions based on the predictor values.

What do you think this classification rule / partition will look like?

Example 5

  • If …, then predict rain.
  • Otherwise, predict no rain.


Identify the pairs of humidity and sunshine values for which the probability of rain is 0.5, hence the log(odds of rain) is 0.

  • Set the log odds to 0:
    log(odds of rain) = -1.01 + 0.0260 Humidity9am - 0.313 Sunshine = 0

  • Solve for Humidity9am:

    • Move constant and Sunshine term to other side.
      0.0260 Humidity9am = 1.01 + 0.3130 Sunshine

    • Divide both sides by 0.026:
      Humidity9am = (1.01 / 0.026) + (0.3130 / 0.026) Sunshine

      Humidity9am = 38.846 + 12.038 Sunshine

Example 6

Let’s visualize the partition, hence classification regions defined by our classification rule:

Use our classification rule to predict rain / no rain for the following days:

  • Day 1: humidity = 90, sunshine = 2
  • Day 2: humidity = 90, sunshine = 5
  • Day 3: humidity = 60, sunshine = 10

Example 7

  1. Does the logistic regression algorithm have a tuning parameter?


  1. Estimating the logistic regression model requires the same pre-processing steps as least squares regression.
    • Is it necessary to standardize quantitative predictors? If so, does the R function do this for us?
    • Is it necessary to create dummy variables for our categorical predictors? If so, does the R function do this for us?
  • No, R doesn’t standardize for logistic.
  • Yes and Yes, R does this for us.

Small Group Activity

Work on exercises 1-8 [optional 9-10] with your group.

  • Pay attention to new terms and concepts

After Class

Reflection & Review

  • Use Concept Map to help you with HW4 and synthesis for Concept Quiz 1.

Group Assignment

  • Make progress on finalizing the model your group is building.

Upcoming due dates

  • Today: HW 4 (posted on Moodle)
  • Tuesday Feb 27: Concept Quiz 1 on Units 1–3 (up to and including today)
  • Tuesday Mar 5: Group Assignment 1
    • Step 1: Submit brief report.
    • Step 2: Submit test MAE.