KNN & Trees

Brianna Heggeseth

As we gather

  • Sit where ever you’d like
    • Introduce yourself!
  • Open today’s Rmd
  • Read my email about residuals from yesterday

Is it Wrong? - Residuals

Text from Course Website:

Examine a residual plot, ie. a scatterplot of the residuals vs predictions for each case. Points should appear random and balanced above and below 0 across the entire span of predictions.

Let’s clear up a few things:

  • We don’t need the exactly same number of residuals above and below 0
    • Consider balance in terms of weight (each residual doesn’t have equal weight)
  • Mean of Residuals = 0 (always “balanced” overall)
  • All residuals are “random” if the data is based on a random sample

You can’t break apart the words above:

  • Key phrase “appear random above and below 0”
  • Key phrase “appear balanced above and below 0”
  • Key phrase “across the entire span of predictions”

Is it Wrong? - Residuals

Updated Text from Course Website:

Points should appear randomly scattered with no clear pattern. If you see any patterns in the residuals that suggest you are systematically over or underpredicting for different prediction values, this indicates that the assumption about the relationship with predictors could be wrong.


MSCS Events

  • Thursday at 11:15am - MSCS Coffee Break

    • Smail Gallery
  • Thursday, March 7, 4:45pm, OLRI 250: Joseph Johnson, “Advertising and Sex Cells: Analogies between the Development of Size Difference in Sex Cells and the Development of Name Brand and Generics”

  • Monday, March 25, 4:45pm, JBD: MSCS & Society Lecture


Next Group Formation

  • Fill out form with preference for next group for Group Assignment 2

Where are we?


  • world = supervised learning
    We want to model some output variable \(y\) using a set of potential predictors (\(x_1, x_2, ..., x_p\)).

    \(y\) is categorical

  • algorithm = NONparametric


The parametric logistic regression model assumes:

\[\text{log(odds that y is 1)} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ... + \beta_k x_k\]

NONparametric algorithms will be necessary when this model is too rigid to capture more complicated relationships.


Aerial photography studies of land cover is important to land conservation, land management, and understanding environmental impact of land use.

IMPORTANT: Other aerial photography studies focused on people and movement can be used for surveillance, raising major ethical questions.

# Check it out
      type  NDVI Mean_G Bright_100 SD_NIR
1    tree   0.31 240.18     161.92  11.50
2    tree   0.39 184.15     117.76  11.30
3 asphalt  -0.13  68.07      86.41   6.12
4   grass   0.19 213.71     175.82  11.10
5    tree   0.35 201.84     125.71  14.31
6    tree   0.23 200.16     124.30  12.97

Thus we have the following variables:

  • type = observed type of land cover, hand-labelled by a human (asphalt, grass, or tree)

  • factors computed from the image
    Though the data includes measurements of size and shape, we’ll focus on texture and “spectral” measurements, i.e. how the land interacts with sun radiation.

    • NDVI = vegetation index
    • Mean_G = the green-ness of the image
    • Bright_100 = the brightness of the image
    • SD_NIR = a texture measurement (calculated by the standard deviation of “near infrared”)

Limits of Logistic Regression

Why can’t we use logistic regression to model land type (y) by the possible predictors NDVI, Mean_G, Bright_100, SD_NIR (x)?

Parametric v. Nonparametric Classification

There are parametric classifications algorithms that can model y outcomes with more than 2 categories. But they’re complicated and not very common.

We’ll consider two nonparametric algorithms today: K Nearest Neighbors & classification trees.

Nonparametric Classification

  • Pro: flexibility

    • Avoid assumptions about the “shape” of this relationship.
  • Cons

    • lack of insights:
      • no coefficients, limited info about relationships
    • ignoring information about relationships:
      • When the shape of a relationship is “known”, we should use that shape.
    • more computationally intense

Small Group Activity - KNN

Let’s develop some intuition about classification with KNN

Exercise 1

We’ll start by classifying land type using vegetation index (NDVI) and green-ness (Mean_G).

First, plot and describe this relationship.

Exercise 2

The red dot below represents a new image with NDVI = 0.335 and Mean_G = 110:

How would you classify this image (asphalt, grass, or tree) using…

  1. the 1 nearest neighbor
  2. the 3 nearest neighbors
  3. all 277 neighbors in the sample

Exercise 3

Just as with KNN in the regression setting, it will be important to standardize quantitative x predictors before using them in the algorithm.


Exercise 4

Let’s confirm our results of grass (a), tree (b), and grass (c) doing this “by hand”…

Try writing R code to find the closest neighbors (without tidymodels).

# Scale variables (x - mean)/sd
land_3 <- land_3 %>% 
  mutate(zNDVI = scale(NDVI), zMean_G = scale(NDVI)) 

# Scale new point using mean, sd of sample
land_3 <- land_3 %>%
  mutate(new_zNDVI = (0.335 - mean(NDVI))/sd(NDVI)) %>% 
  mutate(new_zMean_G = (110 - mean(Mean_G))/sd(Mean_G))

# Euclidean Dist
land_3 <- land_3 %>%
  mutate(dist_to_new = sqrt((new_zNDVI - zNDVI)^2 + ( new_zMean_G - zMean_G)^2))
land_3 %>%
  arrange(dist_to_new) %>%
    type NDVI Mean_G Bright_100 SD_NIR      zNDVI    zMean_G new_zNDVI
1 grass  0.17 183.07     164.54  11.73 0.06245739 0.06245739  1.010834
  new_zMean_G dist_to_new
1  -0.9128659    1.360395
land_3  %>%
  arrange(dist_to_new) %>%
  slice(1:3) %>% 
    type n
1 grass  2
2  tree  1
land_3 %>% count(type) %>% arrange(desc(n))
      type   n
1   grass  112
2    tree  106
3 asphalt   59

Exercise 5

Play around with the shiny app in the Rmd to build some intuition.

After, answer the following questions.

  1. In general, how would you describe the classification regions defined by the KNN algorithm?

  2. Let’s explore the goldilocks problem here. When K is too small:

    • the classification regions are very ____
    • the model is (overfit or underfit?)
    • the model will have _____ bias and ____ variance
  3. When K is too big:

    • the classification regions are very ____
    • the model is (overfit or underfit?)
    • the model will have _____ bias and ____ variance
  4. What K value would you pick, based solely on the plots? (We’ll eventually tune the KNN using classification accuracy as a guide.)

Small Group Activity - Trees

For the rest of the class, work together to develop intuition on a new method:

Classification Trees

Work together on Exercises 6-11.

After Class

Concept Quiz 1

  • Revise Quiz 1 Part 1 (due Friday at 5pm, slide under my door)
    • For any X, write a more correct answer and why the original was not quite right.
    • My goal: Your understanding / learning
    • You may talk with any current Stat 253 student, preceptor, or instructor.
  • No Revisions needed for Part 2

Upcoming due dates

  • Friday: HW 5
  • Friday: Quiz 1 Part 1 revisions