More KNN & Trees

Brianna Heggeseth

As we gather

  • Sit with your assigned group.
    • Introduce yourself!
    • Ask about Spring Break
  • Open today’s Rmd


MSCS Events

  • Thursday at 11:15am - MSCS Coffee Break

    • Smail Gallery
  • This weekend, Data Fest (register at by tomorrow!)

  • Monday, March 25, 4:45pm, JBD: MSCS & Society Lecture

    • “Designing Mixed-Reality and Tangible Data Experiences with Artists and Indigenous Communities” by Dr. Daniel Keefe, U of M

Where are we?


  • world = supervised learning
    We want to model some output variable \(y\) using a set of potential predictors (\(x_1, x_2, ..., x_p\)).

    \(y\) is categorical

  • algorithm = NONparametric


Build and evaluate nonparametric classification models of some categorical outcome y.

Quick Recap

How do we evaluate classification models?

  • In sample v. Cross-Validated
  • What is the difference conceptually?
  • What if the values are different? What if the values are similar?

Binary Metrics

  • Accuracy (overall; compare to no information rate = frequency of largest class)
  • Sensitivity (accuracy among Y = 1, true positive rate, recall)
  • Specificity (accuracy among Y = 0, true negative rate)
  • False Positive Rate = 1 - Specificity
  • ROC AUC (accounts for many thresholds)
    • the probability that a randomly chosen case from the Y=1 class will receive, from the classifier, a higher predicted probability than a randomly chosen case from the Y = 0 class

More Binary Metrics [optional]

  • False Negative Rate = 1 - Sensitivity
  • J Index = Sensitivity + Specificity - 1
  • Balanced Accuracy = (Sens + Spec)/2
  • Kappa (how much better your model is over using class frequencies)
  • MCC (correlation between truth and prediction)
  • Positive Predictive Value (accuracy among those we predicted Y = 1, precision)
  • Precision-Recall AUC (accounts for many thresholds)
  • F measure = \((1 + \beta^2) * precision*recall/((\beta^2*precision) +recall)\) (chosen beta gives one or the other more weight)

Multiclass Metrics

Data Motivation

Aerial photography studies of land cover is important to land conservation, land management, and understanding environmental impact of land use.

IMPORTANT: Other aerial photography studies focused on people and movement can be used for surveillance, raising major ethical questions.

# Load & process data
# NOTE: Our y variable has to be converted to a "factor" variable, not a character string
land <- read.csv("") %>% 
  rename(type = class) %>% 
  mutate(type = as.factor(type))
# There are 9 land types! 
# Let's consider all of them (not just asphalt, grass, trees)
land %>% 
       type   n
1  asphalt   59
2 building  122
3      car   36
4 concrete  116
5    grass  112
6     pool   29
7   shadow   61
8     soil   34
9     tree  106
# There are 675 data points and 147 potential predictors of land type!
[1] 675 148


Check out the classification regions for two KNN models of land type by Mean_G and NDVI: using K = 1 neighbor and using K = 16 neighbors.

Though the KNN models were built using standardized predictors, the predictors are plotted on their original scales here.


  • What do KNN regression and classification have in common?
  • How are they different?
  • What questions do you have about…the impact of K, the algorithm, or anything else KNN related?

EXAMPLE 2: Pruned tree

Next, consider a PRUNED classification tree of land type by Mean_G and NDVI that was pruned as follows:

  • set maximum depth to 30
  • set minimum number of data points per node to 2
  • tune the cost complexity parameter.


  • What category is missing from the leaf nodes?
  • Why did this happen?
  • What questions do you have about…the algorithm, pruning, or anything else tree related?

EXAMPLE 3: Unpruned tree

Finally, consider a (mostly) UNPRUNED classification tree of land type by Mean_G and NDVI that was built using the following tuning parameters:

  • set maximum depth to 30
  • set minimum number of data points per node to 2
  • set cost complexity parameter to 0.

Check out the classification regions defined by this tree:

And the tree itself.

This tree was plotted using a function that draws the length of each branch split to be proportional to its improvement to the classification accuracy. The labels are left off to just focus on structure:

  • What happens to the length of the split branches the further down the tree we get? What does this mean?
  • What are your thoughts about this tree?
  • What questions do you have about the impact of the tuning parameters, or anything else tree related?

New Concepts

Gini Index: Node Purity Measure

\[G = p_1(1-p_1) + p_2(1-p_2) + \cdots + p_k(1-p_k)\]

  • “probability of misclassifying a randomly selected case”
  • Smaller signals “better” classifier
  • Used to decide whether or to split based on the cost-complexity parameter (default in rpart)

[Optional] Information/Entropy Index: Alternative to Gini

\[I = -(p_1\log(p_1) + p_2\log(p_2) + \cdots + p_k\log(p_k))\]

  • “measure of amount of uncertainty in the data”
  • Smaller signals “better” classifier
  • Used to decide whether or to split based on the cost-complexity parameter (option in rpart)

Small Group Activity

For the rest of the class, work together on Exercises 1-10.

After Class

Upcoming due dates

  • Tonight: HW 5 (Grace Period ends)
  • 3/28: HW 6