Unit 4-5 Review

Brianna Heggeseth

As we gather

  • Sit with your assigned group.
    • Refresh with names
    • Share something that some people find surprising about yourself
    • How was your weekend?
  • Open Group Assignment 2 (Moodle)


MSCS Events

  • Thursday at 11:15am - MSCS Coffee Break

    • Smail Gallery
    • This week: Learn about Honors
    • April 4: MSCS Registration Event
    • April 11: Beyond Mac (Felicia DeSmith ’05)
    • April 18: MSCS Seminar (Prof. Laura Lyman)
  • Weds April 3 12-1pm MSCS Seminar (Prof. Paul Cantrell)

  • Data Fest Results (see Slack!)


New Minors

New Stat, Math, DS minors are coming into effect Fall 2024. See New MSCS Minors for details of the requirements.

  • If you haven’t already but would like to declare the current Stat, Math, or Data Science minor, you must do that by the end of this Spring semester.
  • Wait until the fall semester starts if you’d like to declare the new Stat, Math, or Data Science minor.
  • To declare a minor or if you have any questions, reach out to the relevant chair/coordinator. This academic year, the following people are in those roles:
    • Chair of Computer Science: Susan Fox
    • Chair of Statistics: Victor Addona
    • Chair of Mathematics: Andrew Beveridge
    • Data Science Coordinator: Brianna Heggeseth

Courses to Consider

  • Comp/Stat 112: Intro to Data Science
  • Math/Stat 354: Probability (Math 137 prereq)
  • Comp 123: Core Concepts in CS
  • Comp/Stat 212: Intermediate Data Science (with me! 112 prereq)
  • Stat 451: Causal Inference (354 prereq, but can be waived)
  • Stat/Comp 456: Project in DS (212 prereq)


Take a few minutes to look through the concept map / review activity for today on the course website.

Immediate Goal:

  • What questions do you have about the covered algorithms?

Q & A

What questions do you have about any of the classification algorithms?

  • Logistic Reg Models (parametric, binary outcome)
  • KNN
  • Trees
  • Forests (Random Forest = Bagging + random subset selection)


Let’s take 15 minutes to write a reflection for March 2024 in your individual document.


  • Group Assignment 1
  • Quiz 1 & Revision process
  • Your growth in understanding
  • Time you spend on the class outside of class time
  • Your goals for yourself in this class

Small Group Discussion / Work

For the rest of the class, work together.

  • Decide on what “adventure” you’d like to take for the Group Assignment 2.
  • Get started on that adventure.
    • Get data on your local computers
    • Set up communication avenues for asynchronous discussions
    • Divide / delegate leadership on tasks

We’ll also spend time on Thursday working in class.

After Class

Upcoming due dates