As we gather
- Sit with your assigned group.
MSCS Events
New Minors
New Stat, Math, DS minors are coming into effect Fall 2024. See New MSCS Minors for details of the requirements.
Courses to Consider
- Comp/Stat 112: Intro to Data Science
- Math/Stat 354: Probability (Math 137 prereq)
- Comp 123: Core Concepts in CS
- Comp/Stat 212: Intermediate Data Science (with me! 112 prereq)
- Stat 451: Causal Inference (354 prereq, but can be waived)
- Stat/Comp 456: Project in DS (212 prereq)
Concept Quiz 2
Part 1
- on paper
- closed people, closed laptop
- you can bring in an 8.5x11 inch sheet with notes. you can type, write small, write big, etc. you will hand this in with Part 1
- Part 1 is due by the end of the class
- you might be asked to interpret some R output, but I won’t ask you to provide any code
Part 2
- on computers
- you can chat with any current STAT 253 student, but nobody else (including preceptors)
- you can DM or email me clarifying questions and if there is something confusing, I’ll share my answer with the entire class
- you can use any materials from this STAT 253 course (from course site or Moodle or textbook), but no internet, ChatGPT, etc
- this is designed to finish during class, but you can hand it in any time within 24 hours of your class end time (eg: 11:10am the next day for the 9:40am section)
- Units 1-5 with focus on: Units 4-5
- questions range in style, including multiple choice, fill in the blank, short response, matching, etc
If you haven’t already, let’s take 15 minutes to write a reflection for March 2024 in your individual document.
- Group Assignment 1
- Quiz 1 & Revision process
- Your growth in understanding
- Time you spend on the class outside of class time
- Your goals for yourself in this class
Small Group Work
For the rest of the class, work together.
- Work on your adventure.
- Goal: Fit at least 1 classification model by end of today
- Divide / delegate leadership on modeling tasks
- Try at least 2 models and compare predictive performance
- Before leaving
- Each person should know what section of the report they are “leading” the writing
- The group should have a plan on how to contribute ideas/thoughts to each section [choosing the final model].
- The group should have a plan on how revise other sections.
After Class
Upcoming due dates
- 3/28 (tonight) : HW 6
- 4/4 (next Thurs) : Concept Quiz 2 (on classification)
- 4/11 : Group Assignment 2