Work Day

Brianna Heggeseth

As we gather

  • Sit with a group of a total of 2-3 people to work with on Group Assignment 3:
    • If you are in a group of 3, you may only repeat 1 partner from Group Assignments 1 or 2. In other words, you need to have at least 1 person in the group you haven’t worked with on a group assignment.
    • If you are in a group of 2, you should work with someone you haven’t yet worked with on a group assignment.
    • Introduce yourself!


MSCS Events

  • Today 11:30am - 12:50pm - MSCS faculty listening session

    • In OLRI 254. Pizza will be provided!
  • Thursday 4:45pm - Regina Nuzzo’s Senior Banquet Talk!

    • Amazing Science Communicator!

Concept Quiz 3

Part 1

  • on paper
  • closed people, closed laptop
  • you can bring in an 8.5x11 inch sheet with notes. you can type, write small, write big, etc. you will hand this in with Part 1
  • Part 1 is due by the end of the class
  • you might be asked to interpret some R output, but I won’t ask you to provide any code

Part 2

  • on computers
  • you can chat with any current STAT 253 student, but nobody else (including preceptors)
  • you can DM or email me clarifying questions and if there is something confusing, I’ll share my answer with the entire class
  • you can use any materials from this STAT 253 course (from course site or Moodle or textbook), but no internet, ChatGPT, etc
  • this is designed to finish during class, but you can hand it in any time within 24 hours of your class end time (eg: 11:10am the next day for the 9:40am section)


  • All topics with focus on unsupervised learning
  • questions range in style, including multiple choice, fill in the blank, short response, matching, etc

Preparing for Concept Quiz 3

Group Assignment 3

  • Open up Moodle Assignment

  • Decide, as a group, on a dataset

  • Divide computing tasks

    • Hierarchical, K-means (try both - decide on one)
    • PCA
  • Make notes

    • Remember to ground your insight in the data context
  • Put work together; draft & edit paragraphs

    • You are demonstrating your understanding of the algorithms and the insight you can gain from the data
    • A: Creativity in showing you understanding

Today’s Structure

  • 50 mins: Group Assignment 3

  • 20 mins: Reflection for April (individual document)

  • 20 mins: End of Course Survey (see Moodle)

After Class

Upcoming due dates

  • 4/23 : HW7 (once you submit - access solutions)
  • 4/25 : Concept Quiz 3
  • 4/29 : Group Assignment 3
  • 4/29 : Self-Assessment (in spreadsheet)