R Cheatsheet
This cheatsheet is a work in progress. It will be updated and improved throughout the semester.
Stat 155 Review
Standard Linear Regression Models
To fit a linear model, start with a formula to specify variable roles and which variable is the predictor variable (left hand side before ~). The lm
function formats variables for you by creating indicator variables for factor/categorical variables.
# predictor variables have pluses between them
<- y ~ x1 + x2
# specifies least squares estimation of the linear model specified by the formula using the data provided
<- lm(formula, data)
# provides an overall summary of the fit model
fit_model summary()
# provides a data frame of the estimated coefficients, standard errors, and information for individual coefficient hypothesis tests
fit_model tidy()
# provides many model summaries including rsquared and sigma (the estimated sd of residuals)
fit_model glance()
# provides a data set that includes the original variables as well as the residuals and fitted values; used to plot residuals
fit_model augment()
# predict outcome values based on the fit model for newdata
fit_model predict(newdata)
Standard Logistic Regression Models
To fit a linear model, start with a formula to specify variable roles and which variable is the predictor variable (left hand side before ~). The glm
function formats variables for you by creating indicator variables for factor/categorical variables. Make sure that your outcome variable y
is an indicator variable (0/1 or FALSE/TRUE).
# predictor variables have pluses between them
<- y ~ x1 + x2
# specifies maximum likelihood estimation of the generalized linear model specified by the formula using the data provided; when family = 'binomial', it fits a logistic regression model rather than a linear model
<- glm(formula, data, family = 'binomial')
# provides an overall summary of the fit model
fit_model summary()
# provides a data frame of the estimated coefficients, standard errors, and information for individual coefficient hypothesis tests
fit_model tidy()
# predict probability of outcome values based on the fit model for newdata
fit_model predict(newdata, type = 'response')
# calculate specificity, false positive rate, false negative rate, and sensitivity
<- 0.25 # you choose threshold
augment(fit_model, type.predict ='response') %>%
mutate(predOutcome = .fitted >= threshold) %>%
count(y, predOutcome) %>%
mutate(correct = (y == predictOutcome)) %>%
group_by(y) %>% # condition on the true y outcome value
mutate(prop = n/sum(n))
Data Structures and Purrr Package
Vectors and Lists
In R, there are many data structures. Read http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Data-structures.html for more information.
The two most basic types of data structures are vectors and lists.
Atomic Vector (numeric, character, integer, logical)
- All elements of an atomic vector must have the same type (numeric/double, character, integer, logical/boolean).
<- 1:10
x typeof(x) # atomic type
class(x) # object class name
x1:2] #access elements in vector with []
<- (x > 5)
z typeof(z)
<- if_else(x > 5, 'greater than 5','less than or equal to 5')
y typeof(y)
<- x + .2
v typeof(v)
Factors are vectors with special attributes.
<- factor(y)
%>% attributes()
as.numeric(yfactor) #underlying a factor is an integer vector, indexing the levels/categories
levels(yfactor) # first level is reference level
relevel(yfactor, ref='less than or equal to 5') # can change reference level
- Lists can have elements of differing types. You can even have lists of lists or lists of vectors.
<- list(x,y,z,v,2) #unnamed list
l11]] #access elements in list with [[]]
<- list(x = x, y = y, z = z, v = v, b = 2) #named list
l2'x']] #access elements in list with [[]]
l2[[$x #access elements in named list with $ l2
Data frames and tibbles are special types of named lists. Each element must be a vector, the vectors must have the same length, but they can be different types. Each of these vectors are variables in the data set.
You could have a list of data frames/tibbles.
When you want to apply a function to each element in a list or vector of values, you can use map
which is a function in the purrr package.
# Silly example: add 2 to every value in x
<- 1:10
a map(a, ~ .x + 2 ) # short hand for code below
# map(x, function(x) x + 2 )
# Real example: fit the same model to 5 different data sets
#simulate data
<- runif(500,0,10) #500 x values randomly from uniform distribution [0,10]
x <- data.frame(x = x,
df y = 2*x + rnorm(500), #500 y values equal to 2*x + random value from Normal(0,1)
s = sample(size = 500, 1:5, replace=TRUE)) %>% #500 random values from 1 to 5 (strata/groups)
group_by(s) %>%
::nest() # data frame with variable data that is 5 data sets, one for each group
map(df$data, ~ lm(y ~ x, data = .x)) # short hand for code below
# map(df$data, function(data) lm(y ~ x, data = data))
Tidymodels Functions
library(tidymodels) # Includes the workflows package
tidymodels_prefer() # Resolves conflicts, prefers tidymodel functions
Model Specification
For more information, see the documentation for the parsnip package (part of the tidymodels package): https://www.tidymodels.org/find/parsnip/
Types of Models
For this course, we will only use the following models:
, gen_additive_model()
, logistic_reg()
, decision_tree()
, rand_forest()
Engines (Estimation Methods)
For this course, we will primarily use the following estimation methods/engines.
, glm
, glmnet
, kknn
, rpart
, ranger
Regression Models
# Linear Regression Model
lm_spec linear_reg() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'lm') %>%
# Lasso Regression Model
lm_lasso_spec linear_reg() %>%
set_args(mixture = 1, penalty = lambda) %>% # we could let penalty = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'glmnet') %>%
# Ridge Regression Model
lm_ridge_spec linear_reg() %>%
set_args(mixture = 0, penalty = lambda) %>% # we could let penalty = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'glmnet') %>%
# K Nearest Neighbors Regression Model
knn_spec nearest_neighbor() %>%
set_args(neighbors = k) %>% # we could let neighbors = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'kknn') %>%
# Generalized Additive Models (with smoothing splines)
gam_spec gen_additive_mod() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'mgcv') %>%
# Regression Tree Model
rt_spec decision_tree() %>%
set_args(tree_depth, min_n, cost_complexity) %>% # we could let any of these = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'rpart') %>%
# Random Forest Model for Regression
rf_spec rand_forest() %>%
set_args(mtry, min_n, trees) %>% # we could let any of these = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'ranger') %>%
Classification Models
# Logistic Regression Model
logistic_spec logistic_reg() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'glm') %>%
# Lasso Logistic Regression Model
logistic_lasso_spec logistic_reg() %>%
set_args(mixture = 1, penalty = lambda) %>% #we could let penalty = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'glmnet') %>%
# K Nearest Neighbors Regression Model
knn_spec nearest_neighbor() %>%
set_args(neighbors = k) %>% # we could let neighbors = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'kknn') %>%
# Classification Tree Model
ct_spec decision_tree() %>%
set_args(tree_depth, min_n, cost_complexity) %>%
set_engine(engine = 'rpart') %>%
# Random Forest Model for Classification
rf_class_spec rand_forest() %>%
set_args(mtry, min_n, trees) %>% # we could let any of these = tune()
set_engine(engine = 'ranger') %>%
Preprocessing Data
For more information and many examples, see the documentation for the recipes package (part of the tidymodels package): https://recipes.tidymodels.org/
To facilitate transparency, organization, and consistency of process, we create a recipe of the steps taken for preprocessing the data prior to modeling.
<- recipe(formula, data) %>%
rec %>%
step_{FILLIN}() # continue to add preprocessing steps; note that the order matters! step_{FILLIN}()
Make sure to include the steps in the same order as they listed below.
- Row Operations
- Imputation
- Factor Levels
- Univariate Quant. Transformations
- Discretization
- Dummy Variables
- Interactions
- Normalization
- Multivariate Transformations
- Down/Up Sampling (we won’t talk about this very much)
Row Operations
The step functions available for row operations are below.
step_filter(condition) # use rows that satisfy a condition
step_sample(size) # use randomly select rows
step_shuffle(var) # randomly change the order of rows for selected variables (not needed for most circumstances)
step_slice(index) # use rows with the index (row numbers) provided
step_arrange(var) # sort rows according to the values of selected variables
step_corr() # removes predictors with high correlation with other predictors
step_lincomb() # removes predictors that are linear combinations of others
step_zv() # removes predictors with zero variability
step_nzv() # removes predictors with near zero variability
The step functions available for imputing values for missing values are below.
step_impute_bag(impute_with) # imputation via bagged trees
step_impute_knn(impute_with) # imputation via K-nearest neighbors
step_impute_mode() # imputation of most common value
step_unknown() # assign missing to "unknown" category
Factor Levels
The step functions available for changing the levels for factors are below.
step_relevel(ref_level) # change reference level of factor
Univariate Quant. Transformations
The step functions available for transforming quantitative variables are below.
step_BoxCox() # box cox transformation
step_log() # log transformation
step_bs() # basis spline
step_ns() # natural spline
step_poly() # polynomial transformation
step_mutate() # mutate a variable in the way you specify
The step functions available for transforming quantitative variables into categorical variables are below.
Dummy Variables
The step functions available for transforming categorical variables into quantitative variables (dummy/indicator variables) and dealing with categorical levels are below.
step_novel() # create category for new levels in test set
step_other(threshold) # collapse small categories into an "other" category
step_date(features = c('dow','month','year')) # create features based on date variables
step_dummy() # create indicators based on nominal variables
step_regex() # create indicators using regular expressions
The step functions available for creating interaction terms are below.
step_interact(~ A:B)
step_interact(~ starts_with("CatA"):starts_with("CatB"))
The step functions available for centering, scaling, and standardizing/normalizing are below.
step_center() # subtracts mean
step_scale() # divides by sd
step_normalize() # both center and scale
Multivariate Transformations
The step functions available for combining/transforming many quantitative variables are below.
Variable Roles
In a recipe, each variable has a role. Typical roles are:
- Outcome
- Predictor
# Use summary to see the roles of the variables
recipe() %>%
# in the steps of the recipe, you can refer to variables based on their roles
# in the recipe, you can refer to variables based on their type (quantitative: numeric, categorical: nominal)
# in the recipe, you can refer to variables based on their type and role
# roles can help you select groups of variables
Roles to consider adding if you want to keep variables in the data set but do not want to use them in the model:
- ID (to exclude from modeling)
- Locations
- Date/Times
- General Categories of Predictors
<- recipe() %>%
rec update_role()
<- recipe() %>%
rec add_role() %>% # variables can have multiple roles
Prep Data
If you aren’t ready to fit the model but want to see the pre-processed data, you can use these functions.
Note: The prep and bake steps are done for you when you fit models
recipe() %>%
prep(training = train_data) %>%
juice() # returns preprocessed training data
recipe() %>%
prep(training = train_data) %>%
bake(new_data = test_data) # returns preprocessed test data using values from train data
Data Subsets
For more information and many examples, see the documentation for the rsample package (part of the tidymodels package): https://rsample.tidymodels.org/
Random Splits
To randomly split your data set into a training and test set, use initial_split()
. You can change prop
to 0.8 for a training set equal to 80% of the rows. You can specify a variable for the strata
argument to make the random sampling to be conducted within the stratification variable; this can help ensure that the number of data points in the training data is equivalent to the proportions in the original data set.
set.seed(123) # to reproduce your random split, set a seed - pick an integer
<- initial_split(data, prop = 3/4) # saves minimal information about the split (which rows are in the training set and which are in the testing set)
<- training(data_split)
<- testing(data_split) data_test
To complete cross-validation, use vfold_cv()
. This function saves information about the folds (which rows are in which fold) and which rows should be used for training and testing for each iteration.
<- vfold_cv(data, v = 10)
# In practice, you don't need to use the following functions but it is useful to know what is going on behind the scenes
training(data_cv$splits[[1]]) # pulls training data for the 1st split (1st fold is testing set)
testing(data_cv$splits[[1]]) # pulls testing data for the 1st split (1st fold is testing set)
A machine learning workflow (the “black box”) = model specification + preprocessing recipe/formula
<- workflow() %>%
model_wf add_recipe(rec) %>% # add_formula(formula) if no recipe
model_wf update_recipe(rec_new)
model_wf update_formula(formula_new)
model_wf update_model(model_spec_new)
Fit Model
# Fit model to given training data
<- fit(model_spec, formula, data_train) # fit model using a formula (no recipe) and model_spec
<- fit(model_wf, data_train) # fit model using a workflow
# Fit model using CV
<- fit_resamples(model_wf, # fit and evaluate model with CV
fit_model_cv resamples = data_cv,
metrics = metric_set()
# from tune package
# Fit model on one training and evaluate on one test data
<- last_fit(model_wf, # fit model on training and evaluate model on test data
fit_model_traintest split = data_split,
metrics = metric_set()
# from tune package )
Evaluate Model: Metrics
For documentation and examples about metrics, see the yardstick package, https://yardstick.tidymodels.org/index.html.
metric_set(rmse, rsq, mae) # typical regression metrics
metric_set(sens, spec, accuracy, roc_auc) # typical classification metrics
For documentation and examples about collecting metrics from train/testing or cross validation, see the workflowsets package, https://workflowsets.tidymodels.org/
# Using one training and testing split
split = data_split,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq, mae)
) collect_metrics()
# Using CV
resamples = data_cv,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq, mae)
) collect_metrics(summarize = TRUE)
Tune Model: Choosing tuning parameters
For documentation and examples about tuning a model by selecting tuning parameters, see the tune package, https://tune.tidymodels.org/
Use tune()
for tuning parameters in model and recipe and tune_grid()
to fit models with an array of values for the tuning parameters.
# Regularized Regression (LASSO, Ridge)
<- lm_lasso_spec %>%
lm_lasso_spec_tune set_args(mixture = 1, penalty = tune('lambda'))
<- lm_ridge_spec %>%
lm_ridge_spec_tune set_args(mixture = 0, penalty = tune('lambda'))
# Number of neighbors in KNN
<- knn_spec %>%
knn_spec_tune set_args(neighbors = tune('k'))
# Decision Trees
<- rt_spec %>%
rt_spec_tune set_args(cost_complexity = tune('cost'), min_n = tune('n'))
<- ct_spec %>%
ct_spec_tune set_args(cost_complexity = tune('cost'), min_n = tune('n'))
# Number of Components in PCA
recipe() %>%
step_pca(num_comp = tune('n'))
Once you’ve included tune() as the input for the parameter in the model or recipe, you need to fit the model for a variety of values. You may provide a grid of values or you can let the function create a grid of a specified number of values.
<- tune_grid(model_wf,
tune_results resamples = data_cv,
grid = 10, #creates grid of 10 values
metrics = metric_set())
<- tune_grid(model_wf,
tune_resultsresamples = data_cv,
grid = expand_grid(k = seq(0,15,by = 1)), #you provide grid, use name in tune() for variable name
metrics = metric_set())
%>% show_best()
%>% autoplot()
<- select_best(tune_results, metric) # or select_by_one_std_err(tune_results, metric, desc(penalty))
<- finalize_workflow(model_wf, final_model) final_model_wf
Use Final Model: Predictions
# Fit final model on training data and then predict for any new data set
final_model_wf fit(data = data_train) %>%
predict(new_data = data_test) # get .pred only
# Fit final model on training data and then predict for test set
final_model_wf last_fit(
split = data_split,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq, mae)
) collect_predictions() # get .pred and true values in test set
For some models (LASSO, decision trees), you’ll want to pull out the original fit object to make visualizations.
%>% extract_fit_engine() # gives you the original fit object by the engine (useful for specific purposes)
pluck(list, 'fit') # gives you the element in the list associated with the name 'fit'
Variable Importance
Model Agnostic Importance - Permutation Approach
Permutation technique - Train model - Evaluate model
For each variable,
- Randomly shuffle the variable and reevaluate model
- Compare the original model evaluation metric to the value when the variable is reshuffled
Reshuffling the values of a variable breaks or removes any predictive relationships that may exist with that variable and the outcome variable. So if a variable is highly predictive of the outcome, there should be a large change in the model evaluation metric when it is “removed” through reshuffling.
::conflict_prefer("vi", "vip")
<- train %>% prep() %>% juice() # Pre-process the training data
<- fit_model %>% extract_fit_engine() # Pull the fit model
# Calculate Variable Importance using Permutation approach
vi(mod, method = 'permute', target = 'outcomename', metric = 'metricname', train = train_prep, pred_wrapper = predict)
# use vip instead of vi for plot
Model Specific Importance
## LASSO Var Importance
<- final_fit_se %>% extract_fit_engine()
# Create a boolean matrix (predictors x lambdas) of variable exclusion
<- glmnet_output$beta==0
# Loop over each variable
<- sapply(seq_len(nrow(bool_predictor_exclude)), function(row) {
var_imp <- bool_predictor_exclude[row,]
this_coeff_path if(sum(this_coeff_path) == ncol(bool_predictor_exclude)){ return(0)}else{
return(ncol(bool_predictor_exclude) - which.min(this_coeff_path) + 1)}
# Create a dataset of this information and sort
<- tibble(
var_imp_data var_name = rownames(bool_predictor_exclude),
var_imp = var_imp
)%>% arrange(desc(var_imp)) var_imp_data
## Tree and Forest Var Importance
::conflict_prefer("vi", "vip")
<- fit_tree_model %>% extract_fit_engine() # fit_tree_model would come from fitting a decision_tree() model
tree vi(tree)
<- fit_rf_model %>% extract_fit_engine() # fit_rf_model would come from fitting a rand_forest() model
rf vi(rf)
# use vip instead of vi for plot
Comparing Models: Workflow Sets
For documentation and examples about comparing models, see the workflowsets package, https://workflowsets.tidymodels.org/
<- workflow_set(
wf_set preproc = list(rec1 = recipe1, rec2 = recipe2, rec3 = recipe3),
models = list(mod1 = model_spec1, mod2 = model_spec2, mod3 = model_spec3),
cross = TRUE) %>%
%>% autoplot()
%>% rank_results(rank_metric) wf_set
Visualizing Fit Models
Visualize Coefficients
# For Linear Regression
fit_model tidy() %>%
slice(-1) %>%
mutate(lower = estimate - 1.96*std.error, upper = estimate + 1.96*std.error) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype=4) +
geom_point(aes(x=estimate, y=term)) +
geom_segment(aes(y=term, yend=term, x=lower, xend=upper), arrow = arrow(angle=90, ends='both', length = unit(0.1, 'cm'))) +
labs(x = 'Coefficient estimate (95% CI)', y = 'Feature') +
# For Logistic Regression
fit_model tidy() %>%
slice(-1) %>%
mutate(OR.conf.low = exp(estimate - 1.96*std.error), OR.conf.high = exp(estimate + 1.96*std.error)) %>% # do this first
mutate(OR = exp(estimate)) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_vline(xintercept=1, linetype=4) +
geom_point(aes(x=OR, y=term)) +
geom_segment(aes(y=term, yend=term, x=OR.conf.lower, xend=OR.conf.upper), arrow = arrow(angle=90, ends='both', length = unit(0.1, 'cm'))) +
labs(x = 'Coefficient estimate (95% CI)', y = 'Feature') +
Visualize Effects
# Linear Regression
data mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(outcome,id), names_to = 'key', values_to = 'value') %>%
(lm_fit_model tidy() %>%
slice(-1) %>%
select(term, estimate)),
by = c('key'='term')
) mutate(effect = value * estimate) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = effect, y = key)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = 'grey') +
labs(x = 'Effect', y = 'Feature') +
# Logistic Regression
data mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(outcome,id), names_to = 'key', values_to = 'value') %>%
(glm_fit_model tidy() %>%
slice(-1) %>%
select(term, estimate)),
by = c('key'='term')
) mutate(effect = value * estimate) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = effect, y = key)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = 'grey') +
labs(x = 'Effect (Log Odds units)', y = 'Feature') +
Visualize Residuals
# For Any Regression Model
#Predicted vs. Residual
fit_model predict(new_data = data_train) %>%
bind_cols(data_train) %>%
mutate(resid = outcome - .pred) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = .pred, y = resid)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth() +
#Variable vs. Residual
fit_model predict(new_data = data_train) %>%
bind_cols(data_train) %>%
mutate(resid = outcome - .pred) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = var, y = resid)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth() +
Visualize Predictions
# For Any Regression Model
# Create a data_grid (fixing all other variables at some value, sequence of values for the variable of interest)
<- data.frame(x1 = value1, x2 = value2, x3 = value3, x4 = seq(0,100,by = 1)) #example where x4 is variable of interest
# Get Predicted Values for test values in data_grid
<- data_grid %>%
predicted_lines bind_cols(
predict(fit_model, new_data = data_grid),
predict(fit_model, new_data = data_grid, type='conf_int')
train_data ggplot(aes(x = x4, y = outcome)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(y = .pred, x = x4), data = predicted_lines) +
geom_line(aes(y = .pred_lower, x = x4), data = predicted_lines) +
geom_line(aes(y = .pred_upper, x = x4), data = predicted_lines) +
0.0.1 Visualize LASSO Coefficients
<- final_fit_se %>% extract_fit_engine() # get the original glmnet output
<- glmnet_output$lambda
lambdas <-
coefs_lambdas coefficients(glmnet_output, s = lambdas ) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
t() %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
mutate(lambda = lambdas ) %>%
select(lambda, everything(), -`(Intercept)`) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -lambda,
names_to = "term",
values_to = "coef") %>%
mutate(var = purrr::map_chr(stringr::str_split(term,"_"),~.[1]))
coefs_lambdas ggplot(aes(x = lambda, y = coef, group = term, color = var)) +
geom_line() +
geom_vline(xintercept = best_se_penalty %>% pull(penalty), linetype = 'dashed') +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.text=element_text(size=8))
Real Data Example: Regression
<- ames %>% mutate(Sale_Price = log10(Sale_Price))
# If you do one train/test split
<- initial_split(ames, strata = "Sale_Price", prop = 0.75) #Create Train/Test set
data_split <- training(data_split) # Fit model to this
ames_train <- testing(data_split) # Don't use until evaluating final model ames_test
Linear Regression
lm_spec linear_reg() %>% # Specify Model and Engine
set_engine( engine = 'lm') %>%
<- recipe(Sale_Price ~ Lot_Area + Year_Built + House_Style + Gr_Liv_Area + Fireplaces, data = ames_train) %>%
lm_rec step_lincomb(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% # Specify Formula and Preprocessing Recipe
step_zv(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
step_mutate(Gr_Liv_Area = Gr_Liv_Area/100, Lot_Area = Lot_Area/100) %>%
step_mutate(Fireplaces = Fireplaces > 0) %>%
step_cut(Year_Built, breaks = c(0, 1950, 1990, 2020)) %>%
step_other(House_Style,threshold = .1) %>%
<- lm_rec %>%
train_prep prep() %>%
juice() # Pre-process Training Data
<- workflow() %>% # Create Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
ames_wf add_recipe(lm_rec) %>%
<- ames_wf %>%
lm_fit_train fit(data = ames_train) # Fit Model to Training Data
train_prep select(Sale_Price) %>%
bind_cols( predict(lm_fit_train, ames_train) ) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred, truth = Sale_Price) # Calculate Training metrics
lm_fit_train tidy() # Model Coefficients from Trained Model
tidy(lm_fit_train) %>% # Viz of Trained Model Coef
dwplot(dot_args = list(size = 2, color = "black"),
whisker_args = list(color = "black"),
vline = geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "grey50", linetype = 2))
<- vfold_cv(ames_train, v = 10, strata = Sale_Price) # Create 10 Folds of Training Data for CV
<- fit_resamples(ames_wf, # Fit Model to 10 Folds of Training Data
lm_fit_cv resamples = ames_cv,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, mae, rsq))
%>% collect_metrics() # Evaluate Trained Model using CV
<- last_fit(ames_wf,
lm_fit_test split = data_split)
lm_fit_test collect_metrics() #Evaluation on Test Data
::conflict_prefer("vi", "vip")
<- lm_fit_train %>% extract_fit_engine()
mod vi(mod, method = 'permute', target = 'Sale_Price', metric = 'rmse', train = train_prep, pred_wrapper = predict)
vip(mod, method = 'permute', target = 'Sale_Price', metric = 'rmse', train = train_prep, pred_wrapper = predict) + theme_classic()
Regularized Regression
lm_lasso_spec linear_reg() %>%
set_args(mixture = 1, penalty = tune()) %>%
set_engine(engine = 'glmnet') %>%
# Update Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
<- ames_wf %>%
ames_wf update_model(lm_lasso_spec)
# Tune Model by Fitting Model to 10 Folds of Training Data
<- tune_grid(ames_wf,
lasso_fit_cv resamples = ames_cv,
grid = 10,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, mae, rsq))
%>% autoplot() + theme_classic() # Evaluate Trained Model using CV
# Select penalty value
%>% show_best(metric = 'rmse')
lasso_fit_cv <- lasso_fit_cv %>%
best_penalty select_by_one_std_err(metric = 'rmse',desc(penalty))
<- finalize_workflow(ames_wf,best_penalty)
<- tuned_ames_wf %>% pull_workflow_spec() # Save final tuned model spec
# CV metrics
lasso_fit_cv collect_metrics() %>%
filter(penalty == (best_penalty %>% pull(penalty)))
# Fit Tuned Lasso Model to Training Data
<- tuned_ames_wf %>%
lasso_fit_train fit(data = ames_train)
# Training metrics
train_prep select(Sale_Price) %>%
bind_cols( predict(lasso_fit_train, ames_train) ) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred, truth = Sale_Price)
# Model Coefficients from Trained Model
lasso_fit_train tidy()
# Var Importance
<- lasso_fit_train %>% extract_fit_engine()
# Create a boolean matrix (predictors x lambdas) of variable exclusion
<- glmnet_output$beta==0
# Loop over each variable
<- sapply(seq_len(nrow(bool_predictor_exclude)), function(row) {
var_imp <- bool_predictor_exclude[row,]
this_coeff_path if(sum(this_coeff_path) == ncol(bool_predictor_exclude)){ return(0)}else{
return(ncol(bool_predictor_exclude) - which.min(this_coeff_path) + 1)}
# Create a dataset of this information and sort
<- tibble(
var_imp_data var_name = rownames(bool_predictor_exclude),
var_imp = var_imp
)%>% arrange(desc(var_imp)) var_imp_data
Nearest Neighbors
knn_spec nearest_neighbor() %>%
set_args(neighbors = tune()) %>%
set_engine(engine = 'kknn') %>%
# Update Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
<- ames_wf %>%
ames_wf update_model(knn_spec)
# Tune Model by Fitting Model to 10 Folds of Training Data
<- tune_grid(ames_wf,
knn_fit_cv resamples = ames_cv,
grid = 20,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, mae, rsq))
%>% autoplot() # Evaluate Trained Model using CV
# Select penalty value
%>% show_best(metric = 'rmse')
<- knn_fit_cv %>%
best_neighbor select_by_one_std_err(metric = 'rmse', neighbors)
<- finalize_workflow(ames_wf, best_neighbor)
<- tuned_ames_wf %>% pull_workflow_spec() # Save final tuned model spec
# CV Metrics
knn_fit_cv collect_metrics() %>%
filter(neighbors == (best_neighbor %>% pull(neighbors)))
# Fit KNN Model to Training Data
<- tuned_ames_wf %>%
knn_fit_train fit(data = ames_train)
train_prep select(Sale_Price) %>%
bind_cols( predict(knn_fit_train, ames_train) ) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred, truth = Sale_Price) # Training metrics
# Visualize Predictions
<- data.frame(Lot_Area = median(ames_train$Lot_Area),Year_Built = median(ames_train$Year_Built), House_Style = 'One_Story', Fireplaces = 1, Gr_Liv_Area = seq(300,5000,by = 100))
# Get Predicted Values for test values in data_grid
<- data_grid %>%
predicted_lines bind_cols(
predict(knn_fit_train , new_data = data_grid)
ames_train ggplot(aes(x = Gr_Liv_Area, y = Sale_Price)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(y = .pred, x = Gr_Liv_Area), data = predicted_lines, color = 'red') +
GAMs - Splines and Local Regression
<- lm_rec %>%
spline_rec step_ns(Gr_Liv_Area, deg_free = 4)
<- ames_wf %>% # Update Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
ames_wf update_recipe(spline_rec) %>%
<- ames_wf %>%
spline_fit_train fit(data = ames_train) # Fit Spline Model to Training Data
train_prep select(Sale_Price) %>%
bind_cols( predict(spline_fit_train, ames_train) ) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred, truth = Sale_Price) # Training metrics
<- ames_wf %>%
spline_fit_cv fit_resamples(resamples = ames_cv,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, mae, rsq))
# CV Metrics
spline_fit_cv collect_metrics()
# Visualize Predictions (Non-Linear Functions)
<- data.frame(Lot_Area = median(ames_train$Lot_Area),Year_Built = median(ames_train$Year_Built), House_Style = 'One_Story', Fireplaces = 1, Gr_Liv_Area = seq(300,5000,by = 100))
# Get Predicted Values for test values in data_grid
<- data_grid %>%
predicted_lines bind_cols(
predict(spline_fit_train , new_data = data_grid)
ames_train ggplot(aes(x = Gr_Liv_Area, y = Sale_Price)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(y = .pred, x = Gr_Liv_Area), data = predicted_lines, color = 'red') +
GAM - Smoothing Splines
gam_spec gen_additive_mod() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'mgcv') %>%
<- gam_spec %>%
fit_gam_model fit(Sale_Price ~ Lot_Area + Year_Built + House_Style + s(Gr_Liv_Area, k = 15) + Fireplaces, data = ames_train)
# Summary: Parameter (linear) estimates and then Smooth Terms (H0: no relationship)
%>% pluck('fit') %>% summary()
# Diagnostics: Check to see if the number of knots is large enough (if p-value is low, increase number of knots)
%>% pluck('fit') %>% mgcv::gam.check()
# Visualize Non-Linear Functions
%>% pluck('fit') %>% plot() fit_gam_model
Regression Trees
<- recipe(Sale_Price ~ Lot_Area + Year_Built + House_Style + Gr_Liv_Area + Fireplaces, data = ames_train) %>%
tree_rec step_zv(all_numeric_predictors())
tree_spec decision_tree() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'rpart') %>%
<- ames_wf %>% # Update Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
ames_wf update_recipe(tree_rec) %>%
<- ames_wf %>%
tree_fit_train fit(data = ames_train) # Fit Reg Tree Model to Training Data
train_prep select(Sale_Price) %>%
bind_cols( predict(tree_fit_train, ames_train) ) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred, truth = Sale_Price) # Training metrics
tree_fit_train extract_fit_engine() %>%
::rpart.plot(roundint = FALSE)
<- ames_wf %>%
tree_fit_cv fit_resamples(resamples = ames_cv,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, mae, rsq))
tree_fit_cv collect_metrics()
Comparison of Methods
<- workflow_set(
wf_set preproc = list(lm = lm_rec, spline = spline_rec, tree = tree_rec),
models = list(lm = lm_spec, lasso = lm_lasso_spec, knn = knn_spec, tree = tree_spec),
cross = TRUE) %>%
anti_join(tibble(wflow_id = c("lm_tree","spline_lasso", "spline_knn","spline_tree","tree_lm","tree_lasso","tree_knn")),
by = "wflow_id")
<- wf_set %>%
ames_wf_set workflow_map(
resamples = ames_cv, # Compare Methods via CV
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq, mae))
%>% autoplot()
ames_wf_set %>% rank_results(rank_metric = 'rmse') ames_wf_set
list(lm = lm_fit_test, lasso = lasso_fit_test, knn = knn_fit_test, spline = spline_fit_test, tree = tree_fit_test) %>% # Comparison of Methods fit to Test Data
map_df(collect_metrics, .id = 'Model') %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Model, y = .estimate)) +
geom_point() +
facet_grid(.metric ~ ., scales = 'free') +
<- crossing(Fireplaces = 0:1, Lot_Area = seq(1500, 15000, length = 10), Gr_Liv_Area = seq(500, 5000, length = 10), Year_Built = c(1900,1950, 1975,2000), House_Style = c('One_Story', 'Two_Story','SLvl')) %>%
new_ames filter(!(Gr_Liv_Area > Lot_Area))
<- new_ames %>%
all_preds bind_cols(predict(lm_fit_train,new_ames)) %>%
rename(.lm.pred = .pred) %>%
bind_cols(predict(lasso_fit_train,new_ames)) %>%
rename(.lasso.pred = .pred) %>%
bind_cols(predict(knn_fit_train,new_ames)) %>%
rename(.knn.pred = .pred) %>%
bind_cols(predict(spline_fit_train,new_ames)) %>%
rename(.spline.pred = .pred) %>%
bind_cols(predict(tree_fit_train,new_ames)) %>%
rename(.tree.pred = .pred)
# Visualize Predictions from these Models
all_preds filter(Year_Built == 1975 & Fireplaces == 0) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Gr_Liv_Area, y = .spline.pred, color = House_Style )) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~Lot_Area) +
Real Data Example: Classification
<- ames %>% mutate(High_Sale_Price = factor(Sale_Price > quantile(Sale_Price,.75)))
<- initial_split(ames, strata = "High_Sale_Price", prop = 0.75) #Create Train/Test set
<- training(data_split) # Fit model to this
ames_train <- testing(data_split) # Don't use until evaluating final model ames_test
Logistic Regression
logistic_spec logistic_reg() %>% # Specify Model and Engine
set_engine( engine = 'glm') %>%
<- recipe(High_Sale_Price ~ Lot_Area + Year_Built + House_Style + Gr_Liv_Area + Fireplaces, data = ames_train) %>%
glm_rec step_lincomb(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% # Specify Formula and Preprocessing Recipe
step_zv(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
step_mutate(Gr_Liv_Area = Gr_Liv_Area/100, Lot_Area = Lot_Area/100) %>%
step_mutate(Fireplaces = Fireplaces > 0) %>%
step_cut(Year_Built, breaks = c(0, 1950, 1990, 2020)) %>%
step_other(House_Style,threshold = .1) %>%
<- glm_rec %>%
train_prep prep() %>%
juice() # Create Prepped Training Data
<- workflow() %>% # Create Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
ames_wf add_recipe(glm_rec) %>%
<- ames_wf %>%
logistic_fit_train fit(data = ames_train) # Fit Model to Training Data
predict(logistic_fit_train, ames_train) %>%
bind_cols(train_prep %>% select(High_Sale_Price)) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred_class, truth = High_Sale_Price) # Training metrics
logistic_fit_train tidy() # Model Coefficients from Trained Model
tidy(logistic_fit_train) %>% # Viz of Trained Model Odds Ratios
mutate(conf.low = exp(estimate - 1.96*std.error),conf.high = exp(estimate + 1.96*std.error)) %>% # do this first
mutate(estimate = exp(estimate)) %>% # this second
dwplot(dot_args = list(size = 2, color = "black"),
whisker_args = list(color = "black"),
vline = geom_vline(xintercept = 1, color = "grey50", linetype = 2)) + labs(x = 'Odds Ratio') + theme_classic()
<- vfold_cv(ames_train, v = 10, strata = Sale_Price) # Create 10 Folds of Training Data for CV
<- fit_resamples(ames_wf, # Fit Model to 10 Folds of Training Data
logistic_fit_cv resamples = ames_cv,
metrics = metric_set(sens, spec, accuracy, roc_auc))
%>% collect_metrics() # Evaluate Model using CV
<- last_fit(ames_wf,
logistic_fit_test split = data_split,
metrics = metric_set(sens, spec, accuracy, roc_auc))
logistic_fit_test collect_metrics() #Evaluation on Test Data
Regularized Logistic Regression
logistic_lasso_spec logistic_reg() %>%
set_args(mixture = 1, penalty = tune()) %>%
set_engine(engine = 'glmnet') %>%
<- ames_wf %>% # Update Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
ames_wf update_model(logistic_lasso_spec)
<- tune_grid(ames_wf, # Fit Model to 10 Folds of Training Data
logistic_lasso_fit_cv resamples = ames_cv,
grid = 10,
metrics = metric_set(sens, spec, accuracy, roc_auc))
%>% autoplot() # Evaluate Trained Model using CV
%>% show_best(metric = 'roc_auc')
<- logistic_lasso_fit_cv %>%
tuned_ames_wf select_best(metric = 'roc_auc') %>%
finalize_workflow(ames_wf,.) #set penalty based on best fit
<- tuned_ames_wf %>% pull_workflow_spec() # Save final tuned model spec
<- tuned_ames_wf %>%
logistic_lasso_fit_train fit(data = ames_train) # Fit Lasso Model to Training Data (penalty is now set)
logistic_lasso_fit_train predict(new_data = ames_train) %>%
bind_cols(train_prep %>% select(High_Sale_Price)) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred_class, truth = High_Sale_Price) # Training metrics
logistic_lasso_fit_train tidy() # Model Coefficients from Trained Model
<- last_fit(tuned_ames_wf,
lasso_fit_test split = data_split,
metrics = metric_set(sens, spec, accuracy, roc_auc))
lasso_fit_test collect_metrics() #Evaluation on Test Data
Classification Trees
ctree_spec decision_tree() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'rpart') %>%
<- ames_wf %>% # Update Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
ames_wf update_model(ctree_spec)
<- ames_wf %>%
ctree_fit_train fit(data = ames_train) # Fit Reg Tree Model to Training Data
ctree_fit_train predict(ames_train) %>%
bind_cols(train_prep %>% select(High_Sale_Price) ) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred_class, truth = High_Sale_Price) # Training metrics
ctree_fit_train pull_workflow_fit() %>%
pluck('fit') %>%
::rpart.plot(roundint = FALSE)
<- ames_wf %>%
ctree_fit_cv fit_resamples(resamples = ames_cv,
metrics = metric_set(sens,spec,accuracy,roc_auc))
ctree_fit_cv collect_metrics()
split = data_split,
metrics = metric_set(sens,spec,accuracy,roc_auc)
) collect_metrics() # Evaluation on Test Data
Random Forest
rf_spec rand_forest() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'ranger') %>%
<- ames_wf %>% # Update Workflow (Recipe + Model Spec)
ames_wf update_model(rf_spec)
<- ames_wf %>%
rf_fit_train fit(data = ames_train) # Fit Reg Tree Model to Training Data
rf_fit_train predict(ames_train) %>%
bind_cols(train_prep %>% select(High_Sale_Price) ) %>%
metrics(estimate = .pred_class, truth = High_Sale_Price) # Training metrics
<- ames_wf %>%
rf_fit_cv fit_resamples(resamples = ames_cv,
metrics = metric_set(sens,spec,accuracy,roc_auc))
rf_fit_cv collect_metrics()
split = data_split,
metrics = metric_set(sens,spec,accuracy,roc_auc)
) collect_metrics() # Evaluation on Test Data
Comparison of Methods
<- workflow_set(
wf_set preproc = list(glm_rec),
models = list(logistic = logistic_spec, lasso = logistic_lasso_spec, tree = ctree_spec, rf = rf_spec),
cross = TRUE)
<- wf_set %>%
ames_wf_set workflow_map(
resamples = ames_cv, # Compare Methods via CV
metrics = metric_set(accuracy, sens, spec, roc_auc ))
%>% autoplot()
ames_wf_set %>% rank_results(rank_metric = 'roc_auc ') ames_wf_set