Topic 10 Categorical Variables as Factors

Learning Goals

  • Understand the difference between a variable stored as a character vs. a factor
  • Be able to convert a character variable to a factor
  • Develop comfort in manipulating the order and values of a factor with the forcats package to improve summaries and visualizations.

Create a new Rmd file (save it as 10-Factors.Rmd). Put this file in a folder Assignment_06 in your COMP_STAT_112 folder.

  • You are used to using template Rmd files but you are ready to create your own!
    • Look at previous Rmd files and notice patterns. You can copy the top YAML section over and adjust.
    • Note that if you use {exercise}, you can copy the text of the exercise and that it will automatically number your exercises! Continue to use {r} for R chunks.
    • Make sure to add fig.alt for your visualizations!
  • From now on, you’ll be expected to create your own Rmd files and make them look clean and organized so that preceptors and instructors can easily read the knitted file and give feedback.

Example: Grade Distribution

Grades <- read_csv("")
Grades <- Grades %>%
  select(sid, sessionID, grade) %>%
  distinct(sid, sessionID, .keep_all = TRUE)

We will continue with the grades data from the previous activity. Here is a sample to remember what it looks like:

Table 10.1: Student grades.
sid sessionID grade
S31842 session2207 B+
S32436 session3172 S
S31671 session3435 A-
S31929 session3512 NC

Here is a bar chart of the grade distribution:

ggplot(Grades, aes(x = grade)) +

We can also wrangle a table that just has each grade and the number of times it appears:

GradeDistribution <- Grades %>%
  group_by(grade) %>%
  summarize(count = n())
# Alternatively, we can use the count() function the creates a variable called n
Grades %>%
Table 10.2: Grade distribution.
grade count
A 1506
A- 1381
AU 27
B 804
B- 330
B+ 1003
C 137
C- 52
C+ 167
D 18
D- 6
D+ 8
NC 17
S 388

What could be improved about this graphic and table?

The grades are listed alphabetically, which isn’t particularly meaningful. Why are they listed that way? Because the variable grade is a character string type:

## [1] "character"

When dealing with categorical variables that take a finite number of values (levels, formally), it is often useful to store the variable as a factor, and specify a meaningful order for the levels.

For example, when the entries are stored as character strings, we cannot use the levels command to see the full list of values:


Converting to factor

Let’s first convert the grade variable to a factor:

Grades <- Grades %>%
  mutate(grade = factor(grade))

Now we can see the levels:

##  [1] "A"  "A-" "AU" "B"  "B-" "B+" "C"  "C-" "C+" "D"  "D-"
## [12] "D+" "NC" "S"

Moreover, the forcats package (part of tidyverse) allows us to manipulate these factors. Its commands include the following.

Changing the order of levels

  • fct_relevel(): manually reorder levels
  • fct_infreq(): order levels from highest to lowest frequency
  • fct_reorder(): reorder levels by values of another variable
  • fct_rev(): reverse the current order

Changing the value of levels

  • fct_recode(): manually change levels
  • fct_lump(): group together least common levels

More details on these and other commands can be found on the forcats cheat sheet or in Wickham & Grolemund’s chapter on factors.

Example 10.1 (Reorder factors) Let’s reorder the grades so that they are in a more meaningful order for the bar chart above. Here are three options:

Option 1: From high grade to low grade, with “S” and “AU” at the end:

Grades %>%
  mutate(grade = fct_relevel(grade, c("A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-", "D+", "D", "D-", "NC", "S", "AU"))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = grade)) +

Bar plot of grad distribution. Vast majority of grades as A / A- / B+ /B  or Satisfactory (pass).

Option 2: In terms of ascending frequency:

ggplot(GradeDistribution) +
  geom_col(aes(x = fct_reorder(grade, count), y = count)) +
  labs(x = "grade")

Bar plot of grad distribution. Vast majority of grades as A / A- / B+ /B  or Satisfactory (pass).

Option 3: In terms of descending frequency:

ggplot(GradeDistribution) +
  geom_col(aes(x = fct_reorder(grade, count, .desc = TRUE), y = count)) +
  labs(x = "grade")

Bar plot of grad distribution. Vast majority of grades as A / A- / B+ /B  or Satisfactory (pass).

Example 10.2 (Recode factors) Because it may not be clear what “AU” and “S” stand for, let’s rename them to “Audit” and “Satisfactory”.

Grades %>%
  mutate(grade = fct_relevel(grade, c("A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-", "D+", "D", "D-", "NC", "S", "AU"))) %>%
  mutate(grade = fct_recode(grade, "Satisfactory" = "S", "Audit" = "AU")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = grade)) +

Bar plot of grad distribution. Vast majority of grades as A / A- / B+ / B or Satisfactory (pass).

Exercise 10.1 Now that you’ve developed your data visualization and wrangling skills,

  1. develop a research question to address with the grades and courses data,
  2. create a high quality visualization that addresses your research question,
  3. write a brief description of the visualization and include the insight you gain about the research question.
Courses <- read_csv("")

Appendix: R Functions

Changing the order of levels

Function/Operator Action Example
fct_relevel() manually reorder levels of a factor Grades %>% mutate(grade = fct_relevel(grade, c("A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-", "C+", "C", "C-", "D+", "D", "D-", "NC", "S", "AU")))
fct_infreq() order levels from highest to lowest frequency ggplot(Grades) + geom_bar(aes(x = fct_infreq(grade)))
fct_reorder() reorder levels by values of another variable ggplot(GradeDistribution) + geom_col(aes(x = fct_reorder(grade, count), y = count))
fct_rev() reverse the current order ggplot(Grades) + geom_bar(aes(x = fct_rev(fct_infreq(grade))))

Changing the value of levels

Function/Operator Action Example
fct_recode() manually change levels Grades %>% mutate(grade = fct_recode(grade, "Satisfactory" = "S", "Audit" = "AU"))
fct_lump() group together least common levels Grades %>% mutate(grade = fct_lump(grade, n = 5))